Open kitchen maintenance detailed process
Release time:2018-01-17 11:23 clicks: 2947

Now, more and more open kitchen has been loved by the masses, becoming the trend of home development. So, how to make cabinets and their home environment combine to become a good partner at home life, local designers also put forward three ideas:

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First, make full use of space. The use of floor to wall cabinets and wall space, the device shelves, you can place the sterilizer microwave oven or device shelves, hooks, cups, seasoning bottles, shovels, spoons, etc., thus preventing them occupy the cabinets countertops.

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Second, reach for convenience. When working in the kitchen, there are often items available at any time. The limited space in the kitchenette dictates that these items should only be placed inside cabinets, which can be cumbersome to access. May wish to use a small cabinet to deal with this problem, the tablet set in the top of a small cart, so that the temporary console, after the push back to the cabinet.

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Third, the cabinet space has a university knowledge. If you are kind-hearted, you will find the cabinet will leave some small space after placing the items. For the characteristics of the kitchenette, designers in the cabinet door, nail hooks, hanging bar, used to hang items. There are some appliances, such as rice cookers, microwave ovens, ovens, etc., can also be built in cabinets.

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Open cupboard maintenance table maintenance articles

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A. Should prevent hot pot, hot pot directly touch with the cabinet, the best can be placed on the pot rack.

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B. Operation should try to prevent the use of sharp items hit the table, door, to prevent scratches. No matter what kind of countertops you choose, you should cut vegetables on the chopping board to take care of food, in addition to prevent leaving marks, but also to achieve better sanitation.

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C. General raw countertops, air bubbles and cracks, if the colored liquid soaked will form a stain or discoloration, it should prevent the dye or hair dye directly on the table.

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D. Corrosion of chemical substances is not permitted with many raw materials. For example, stainless steel countertops may get rusty when they are stained with salt, so you should always be careful not to put soy sauce bottles and other items directly on the countertops.

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E. Artificial board cabinets should prevent the accumulation of water for a long time on the table.

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Clean articles

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a. artificial stone and stainless steel cabinets should not use hard scourer, steel ball, chemical scrub or steel brush, use a soft towel, scouring pad with water or brightener, otherwise it will form a scratch Or corroded.

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B. Firewood raw materials cabinets can be used household cleaners, scrub with a nylon brush or nylon ball, then scrub with hot and humid cloth, and finally scrub with a dry cloth.

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C. Natural stone countertops should use a soft scouring pad, toluene cleaners can not use rub, or difficult to eradicate the flower white spots. Eradicate scale, you can not use a strong acidic toilet powder, dilute hydrochloric acid, etc., otherwise it will damage the glaze, making it lose its luster.

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D. If the cabinet is a raw material for wood, the dust should be scavenged with a duster, and then scrubbed with a dry cloth or a special emulsion for maintenance of wood. Do not use wet rags and oil cleaners.

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E. Sinks or gas stoves and other countertops should be prevented from percussion or being hit, two mesa phase at the junction, should prevent the water soaked for a long time.

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Door maintenance articles

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A. To prevent the water on the table down soaking the door, or will have a lasting deformation.

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B. Door hinges and handles appear loose and abnormal sound, should be promptly adjusted or notify the manufacturer maintenance.

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C. Solid wood door can be used furniture, water wax cleaning and maintenance. Crystal door panels available with flannel or mild detergent scrub cleaning. Cleaning articles a. Paint Doors Soluble detergent is not available.

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B. All benzene solvents and resin solvents should not be panel cleaners.

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Cabinet maintenance articles

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A. The carrying capacity of the OTC is inferior to that of the OTC. Therefore, it is advisable to put light items in the OTC, such as seasoning jars and glasses, etc.

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B. Utensils placed in the cabinet should be cleaned and then placed, with particular attention to the need to dry the utensils.

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C. Cabinet hardware scrub with a dry cloth to prevent water droplets left in the appearance of water marks.

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D. The sink of the caretaker can thread the inner filter box with thin filaments in advance to prevent the vegetable scraps and fine debris from blocking the water pipes.